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Join Our Research Team


We are looking for highly motivated students with an interest in intimacy, sexuality, and substance use.  You will have an opportunity for hands-on research experience including but not limited to: conducting literature reviews, participant recruitment, running research sessions, entering and analyzing data.  You must be reliable, in good academic standing, and able to commit to 4 hours/week of lab work.  Students are expected to attend weekly lab meetings, be present in the lab during lab hours, to actively contribute to lab activities.

Being a research assistant in the lab potentially involves several types of activities.  RAs are generally assigned to tasks based on skill level, availability, interest, and lab needs:

1. Lab meetings.  Lab meetings are how the lab members keep on track with ongoing projects, check in with each other about projects we may be working on , and generally talk about research methods and concerns. 

2. Study management.  This includes a range of activities, including keeping detailed records about participant interactions, journal article organization, as well as maintaining overall study infrastructure and organization.

3. Participant recruitment in person and by phone

4. Data collection

5. Data entry

6. Data analysis.  My research uses a number of different methods, including both quantitative (SPSS) and qualitative (Dedoose, NVivo).  No prior knowledge of these programs is needed.

7. Transcribing interviews.  Transcribing involves listening to tape-recorded interviews and typing out what is said into a word document file (there are special machines that help facilitate this process).  It can be tedious, but many research assistants say that they learn a lot from listening to the interviews and that it can be very interesting.

8. Literature reviews.  An important part of doing research is knowing about what other researchers have done, what has been examined, and what remains unknown in the field.  Literature reviews of looking for related research and summarizing previously used methods and findings. 

Collaborate with the RRISS Lab!

If you are interesting in collaborating with the RRISS Lab, please fil out the contact form on this page and we will contact you soon!


If you have questions regarding specific opportunities available, you may contact our research associate, Jill Hunt, by using the form below. If you would like to apply to work in the lab, please include in your e-mail:

1) a statement of your research interest and reason for applying

2) your major

3) a list of relevant courses you have taken

4) your GPA (high school GPA if you are a Freshman)

5) projected year of graduation


Upon sending the required application materials, Jill will contact you to schedule an interview. 

You will also be expected to complete an ethics training as required by the Kalamazoo College Institutional Review Board. Please feel free to use the form below to contact our lab.

Fletcher Lab Undergraduate Research Interest Form

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